Meticulously formulated after extensive research and countless experiments, CECILIA Bass Rosin ensures a sustained and dependable grip, upholding consistent traction quality throughout its lifespan. Distinguished from other bass rosins, CECILIA Bass Rosin does not succumb to drying out, and its traction properties remain unaffected by fluctuations in temperature.
Depending on the climate or playing style, seamlessly combine both SOFTER and FIRMER formulas by applying them together and blending on the bow hair in various ratios. This allows you to achieve your desired balance of grip and tone quality for a personalized playing experience.
This essential device was initially developed to provide simple and effective solution to enhance the quality of daily stringed instrument playing experience. It is designed to be conveniently attached to the bottom of the CECILIA rosin after each use. For the bass, Rosin Spreader can be used when the bow hair gets gunked up with sticky soft rosin with other dirts. Before or after applying the rosin, use the rosin spreader to gently comb the bow hair in one direction starting from frog to the tip. While you can use alcohol or mineral spirit to wipe off some of the rosin built up on the device, it is recommended to replace it with a new rosin spreader.
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